Our Mission

“Empower girls and women through education to replace damaging cultural practices with beneficial rites of passage so that globally female genital mutilation and child marriage are only found in history books and women become partners not property.”


Keep Girls Safe Foundation seeks to empower, enlighten and motivate young girls and boys through education and choice to become agents of change working to break the cycle of destructive cultural practices in Kenya, such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and early forced marriage.

Keep Girls Safe Foundation works to mobilize future leaders to improve their community, nation, and world as a whole. We challenge ourselves to involve the community in seeking positive solutions to free young African girls and boys victimized by such grotesque cultural practices.

We embrace social responsibility and intend to empower the Maasai community through an enlightening campaign that will create a space for championing the community to denounce harmful ancient practices of female genital mutilation and early marriages of young girls.

Keep Girls Safe Foundation will impact one community at time, providing opportunities these young African boys and girls need to thrive as individuals and achieve their full potential. We promise to continue working to achieve these ideals so the entire Maasai community accepts the fact that a girl has the same value as a boy. We will start our mission in Olng’arua Loita Kenya, where we have sponsored a community garden intended to feed children attending Kone Primary School for a quality learning experience.

Additionally, the Keep Girls Safe Foundation intends to increase awareness within the United States about the harsh realities of female genital mutilation and enforced child marriage, as these damaging cultural practices occur not only internationally, but within the United States as well. We will begin educating our local community in Wichita, Kansas while simultaneously fundraising to provide relief to survivors of FGM. Keep Girls Safe Foundation has no tolerance for female genital mutilation locally or international.